The company wants you to be aware of what we are doing:
- Bathrooms, doorknobs, tables in the break room, and other hard surfaces are being cleaned more frequently.
- We are supplying hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes, but we have recently had problems obtaining them as stores are sold out. Notify your supervisor if you need more. 70% rubbing alcohol can be used on hands if soap and water or hand sanitizer is not available. Surfaces can be disinfected with a bleach solution of 1/3 cup bleach to 1 gallon water.
- We are limiting meetings with outside parties, and will be asking visitors to state whether they have traveled outside the country within the past two weeks.
Things you can do:
- Do not come to work if you feel ill.
- Continue to follow call-in procedures (call your supervisor before or at the start of your shift.) This allows us to shift employees to hot jobs if necessary.
- If you are ill for 3 or more days (other than for COVID-19) you will not be required to bring a doctor’s note. Health clinics and doctor’s offices will be busy, so we want to ease the pressure on them.
- Return the form that will be given to you by your supervisor asking for your cell phone number and e-mail address. We may need this in the unlikely event we have a case of COVID-19 and have to shut down temporarily.
- Continue to use good hygiene: Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more; Cough into your elbow if you do not have a tissue; Try to maintain at least three feet and preferably six feet space from co-workers; Avoid shaking hands.