We have been informed by two employees that they have tested positive for the COVID-19.
The first is an employee in Load Test, 1st shift. This employee was last in the plant on December 11. The second is an employee in 4-Slide, 2nd shift. This employee’s last day at work was December 15. All employees who had potential close contact with these employees have been notified.
Please continue to be vigilant, and wear a mask at all times in the plant.
We want to take this opportunity to remind you that one of our core values as a company is respect for and among our employees. We will treat information regarding the identity of employees with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 as confidential to the extent practicable and will comply with applicable laws regarding the handling of such information. Further, per Company policy, we will not tolerate harassment of, or discrimination or retaliation against, employees.
Please contact Nancy Hopkins at nhopkins@dudek-bock.com if you have any questions or concerns.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit the CDC website at:
For the location of testing facilities, see https://coronavirus.illinois.gov/s/testing-sites
You may want to call your personal physician for recommendations for testing, or if you want to go to a testing facility that requires a doctor’s order. The COVID 19 Hotline Phone number is 1-800-889-3931.