The plant will reopen on Monday, April 13. Use your own judgment whether to report for work, based on your personal circumstances. Please stay home if you or anyone in your family is sick.
If you will not be at work on Monday, call your supervisor. This is important for two reasons: we need to be able to assign jobs, and we need to know what type of day off you wish to take. The federal law granting sick leave cannot be used for a day here or there. It is intended for someone who is actually sick, or who is staying home due to a government order. Since Illinois has a “shelter in place” order, sick leave can be used for this purpose, but it should be taken consecutively. Everyone will be paid for 5 of the 10 allowed days, for the week of April 3 – April 9 (April 10, Good Friday, is a paid holiday.)
If you have any questions about leave, please contact Nancy Hopkins at, or ask your supervisor.