Hand Safety Training

Thursday, March 9, we will have hand safety training for all shop employees except those in Shipping, Grinding, Rear Pack and Load Test. The training will take place in the Break Room. Please be on time to your session. We have divided the training into groups for English, Spanish, Polish and Vietnamese, so it will be best if you attend the session to which you are assigned.

See the schedule here: Hand Training Schedule

Open Enrollment for 2023 Benefits ENDS November 30

If you have not already selected your benefits for next year, please review the booklet you received. If you want NO CHANGES, all you need to do is sign the form you received and return it to HR. If you need to make changes, please come to HR before the end of the day on Wednesday, November 30.

Summaries of the benefits can be viewed here:

Navigate HMO

Nexus (Advocate only) PPO

Core PPO

The company is required by law to distribute annual notices regarding your healthcare benefits. You can view the notices here:

2023 Annual Notices

Open Enrollment for Benefits

Next week we will begin Open Enrollment for medical, dental, vision insurance, etc. for 2023. UHC increased the rates of medical insurance by 7%. However, Dudek & Bock is paying for the entire increase. The rates will remain the same for employees.

In addition to the UHC HMO and UHC PPO, we are offering one additional plan. This is a cheaper PPO based on the Advocate health care system. If you already have an Advocate doctor, you might want to consider this plan.

Benefit books will be distributed next week, but there is no change other than the additional PPO offered.

MORE Sexual Harassment Training

Effective July 1, 2022, the City of Chicago requires that all employees receive 2 hours of sexual harassment training. The first hour is the state-required training that we have done for three years. Now, there will be a second hour of “bystander” training. This training is MANDATORY. Union members will be paid 1 hour for completing this training outside of work hours. Salaried employees can do the training during the workday. It is offered in English, Spanish, and Polish. In addition, Supervisors must have a third hour of training. We will let you know when that is available.




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