Dudek & Bock is considered an “essential business” under Illinois Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order, and we will continue to operate . We started an emergency text message service, and everyone should have received a text on Sunday afternoon letting you know that we would be open this week. If you did not receive the text, let your supervisor know in case we have your cell phone wrong.
No one is being forced to come to work. It is up to you to decide, based on your personal circumstances, whether to be here. DO NOT come to work if you are sick.
If you are not coming to work, please call in and let your supervisor know if your absence is for the day or for a longer period of time. You can choose to take any paid time off you have available, but if you don’t specify, we will count it as an “Unpaid” day.
The federal government’s paid sick leave under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act does not take effect until April 1.
The company wants you to be aware of what we are doing:
Bathrooms, doorknobs, tables in the break room, and other hard surfaces are being cleaned more frequently.
We are supplying hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes, but we have recently had problems obtaining them as stores are sold out. Notify your supervisor if you need more. 70% rubbing alcohol can be used on hands if soap and water or hand sanitizer is not available. Surfaces can be disinfected with a bleach solution of 1/3 cup bleach to 1 gallon water.
We are limiting meetings with outside parties, and will be asking visitors to state whether they have traveled outside the country within the past two weeks.
Things you can do:
Do not come to work if you feel ill.
Continue to follow call-in procedures (call your supervisor before or at the start of your shift.) This allows us to shift employees to hot jobs if necessary.
If you are ill for 3 or more days (other than for COVID-19) you will not be required to bring a doctor’s note. Health clinics and doctor’s offices will be busy, so we want to ease the pressure on them.
Return the form that will be given to you by your supervisor asking for your cell phone number and e-mail address. We may need this in the unlikely event we have a case of COVID-19 and have to shut down temporarily.
Continue to use good hygiene: Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or more; Cough into your elbow if you do not have a tissue; Try to maintain at least three feet and preferably six feet space from co-workers; Avoid shaking hands.
Bob Funk, Industrial Engineer with Dudek & Bock, retired after almost 20 years of service. Bob joined the Dudek & Bock team in 1998. Over the years Bob was responsible for numerous tasks, including plant layout, machine placement, product packaging, development of standards, and too many reports to count! We wish Bob well in this new phase of his life.
Pictured below are Bob Funk and John Dudek, President of Dudek & Bock.
Dudek and Bock bid farewell to Eugene Bochnak, who retired after over 50 years of service to the company. Eugene joined Dudek and Bock in 1966. He worked for the company in several departments, and retired as a Toolmaker in our Brake Spring Department. He was joined by his co-workers, as well as members of the Dudek and Bochnak families for a retirement celebration. His dedication, expertise, and extensive experience will be missed. His colleagues will miss him personally as well, as a nicer co-worker cannot be found. Eugene, we wish you the best!
The Team Player Bat is a long-standing tradition at Dudek & Bock to recognize employees who go ‘above and beyond’ as part of the Dudek & Bock team. In October 2017, John Wrona (left), our Facilities Manager passed the bat to Engineer Jack Tchorz. Dudek & Bock President John Dudek and Human Resources Manager Katie O’Leary preside over the Passing of the Bat ceremony.